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Friday, February 29, 2008

My First Tag!!!

Ok, so after days and no posts, I get to post twice in one day, because I have just noticed I've been tagged by Jessie over at love+love=marriage.

1. Grab the nearest book of 123 pages or more.
2. Open it to page 123.
3. Find the first 5 sentences and write them down.
4. Then invite 5 friends to do the same.

I'm not currently reading any books, since all of them in my bookcase have been read time and time again, so I just grabbed the closest to my hand, which was Pandora by Anne Rice.

"And in bed? Can you do it in bed?" I asked. I can't say what rage or desperation prompted this question.
He was genuinely shocked. Good sign. His eyes really widened.

Weird, huh? LOL

So now I tag Co or Lo at The Family O, Sarah or BB at Journey of a Co-Mom, Jo Anna or Amy at The adventures of Saia & Chago, Emilin or Brooke at Name that Mama and Cris or Ana at Las Dos Mamis.

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